Date 2
This  boy takes his girlfriend back to her home after being out together,
and when  they reach the front door he leans with one hand  on the wall and
says  to her, "Sweetie, why don't you give me a blowjob?" "What?  You're
crazy???!!!" "Don't worry, it will be quick, no  problem." "No!! Someone may
see; a relative, a neighbor . .  ."  "At this time of the night no one will
show up."  "I've already said NO, and NO!"  "Honey, it's just a  small
blowjob . . . I know you like it too."  "NO!!! I've said  NO!!!" "Baby . . .
don't be like that." 
At this moment  the younger sister shows up at the door in nightgown with
hair a mess,  rubbing her eyes and says . . . "Dad says either you blow him,
I blow  him, or he'll come down and blow the guy himself, but for God's sake
tell  your boyfriend to take his hand off the intercom." 


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